How to get points

1 point: Give a kudos to a user by clicking on the heart of an answer.
3 points: Reply to a question on the Fizz community.
5 points: Receive a kudos from a user that click on the heart of an answer to indicate that he/she likes it.
50 points: Be active on the Fizz community during the month.
50 points: Be selected as the best answer.
Level 1: You have acquired less than 1500 points.
Level 2: You have acquired more than 1500 points and less than 4500 points.
Level 3: You have acquired more than 4500 points and less than 9000 points.
Level 4: You have acquired more than 9000 points and less than 15 000 points.
Level 5: You have acquired more than 15 000 points and less than 22 500 points.
Level 6: You have acquired more than 22 500 points and less than 31 500 points.
Level 7: You have acquired more than 31 500 points and less than 42 000 points.
Level 8: You have acquired more than 42 000 points and less than 54 000 points.
Level 9: You have acquired more than 54 000 points and less than 67 500 points.
Level 10: You have acquired more than 67 500 points and less than ? points.People have also reported earning 10 points for every $1 you pay,
Here's a community post with more info: -
Just start to help in the Fizz Community each day,
give and receive kudos,
pay your bills.
It's a good start to get points...18 -
Every month when you get billed you get points. Every time money is spent on your account. When you contribute to the community etc15
Well I would say you can easily get points, but you need to participate a lot to reach new level.14
Reply to questions9
it seems to require alot of involvement
i also see alot of people only giving one liners
as resposes
so they can then respond again
i dont think this is right
people should give detailed responses instead of trying to "play" the system12