Fizz accommodation : disappointing.

David L. 22643
David L. 22643 Posts: 15 ✭✭
First of all, I'd like to say I always have had a very good service with Fizz in the past. It's been almost a year now and I always had amazing response.
Today, my machine-end socket (coaxial cable) has broken for some odd reasons, and I have seen that it happened to a few of us in the past on the forum community.
I immediately contacted fizz from my phone having no other choices as my internet connection was no more functional. I'm working during the weekend and the evening afterwork, this is temporary but my situation is particular and I have to finish some heavy work and research from home and I desperately need Internet.
I explained my particular situation and also let them know that this coaxial plug that has ripped apart was probably manufacturing defect as I absolutely did nothing to the modem / router to break it down. I therefore asked if they could possibly boost my data / bandwidth a little bit to help me out until I get the fix (next Wednesday). Both my services are with Fizz, and when I asked (twice) to the first tech. he just never replied to me back and left the conversation suddenly, that was hypocrite. I then had to reconnect again, ask again to a new tech. she told me that wouldn't be possible and I got a bit disappointed about this situation. I don't think I was asking for the world, but I will have to broadcast my internet services from my phone to my computer and other devices for 4 days. This is going to cost me big money, time, lags and frustrations cause I need internet home to work efficiently.
I'd have thought that fizz would be more flexible and understandable, but I see now I am wrong. Wasn't asking much, and I'd like to know if you all think the same or if you had this kind of unpleasant experience with Fizz in the past.
As a digital enterprise, they should try to accommodate more their clients and be more understandable when it comes to this kind of odd situation where you are left with no choices. Internet is primordial in our lives nowadays and they should know that more in my very own opinion.


  • samisheikh
    samisheikh Posts: 192 ✭✭
    Hey David, what ended up happening with your internet situation? I’ve only ever had to call twice thus far and both times they either came the same day (in a few hours) or the next morning. If you’re still out of internet and using your cell. Then hit me up via PM I can send you some data.
  • Chris K. #7521
    Chris K. #7521 Posts: 486 ✭✭
    @samisheikh what phone number did you call?
  • David L. 22643
    David L. 22643 Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Thanks Samishe,
    I ended-up to work in a coffee shop. That wasn't ideal, but i worked this out as much as I could. I know fizz is new in the arena and has to improve it's service level agreement, but I didn't like how they tried to avoid my questions and has not been able to provide me a solution to my problem. I would have agreed to wait four days without problems if they could have accommodate after the 48h expired.
    Anyway, for me, Fizz beats all other providers in term of user experiences and customization.
  • Vincent D. 39366
    Vincent D. 39366 Posts: 215 ✭✭
    I'm pretty satisfied myself...
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Unfortunately, you have to wait at least 48 hours for the repair of your coaxial cable by a technician.
  • David L. 22643
    David L. 22643 Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Did you read before to post MichelP? I don't think so. I'm very aware of the 48. I have waited up to four days before the fix. And, no accommodations to get me through this problem after the 48h. They tried to avoid the subjects and give me vague answers when I tried to ask them about it.
  • Thanh S.
    Thanh S. Posts: 360 ✭✭
    I agree. Plesse close this
  • Gualberto
    Gualberto Posts: 340 ✭✭
    Very unfortunate that they didn't act more rapidly.
  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 272 ✭✭
    Fizz is a good low cost company
  • poker85
    poker85 Posts: 1,103 ✭✭
    2 months ....come on....
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