Will a 2nd credit card be used, if somehow the transaction on the first fails?

Alfio Posts: 398 ✭✭

I have one credit card paired to my account. I am thinking of adding a 2nd credit card, just in case that something happens with the transaction on the first credit card. By having two credit cards, will the 2nd credit card be used by Fizz to make my monthly plan payment should the first credit card somehow run into an issue or get declined? 



Trying to prevent any unfortunate event that may lock up my account.


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 11,519 ✭✭

    If your credit card is in good standing and nothing else (like your address) changes, your renewal should go though without any glitches.


    If in the rare case, there is a problem, you can react quickly to resolve any issue. If the problem continues, Fizz support is very helpful.

  • Alfio
    Alfio Posts: 398 ✭✭

    My concern is with what many others seem to have had issues with a failed payment, by no fault of their own. Fizz will immediately block the account.

    I occasionally travel, and would not want to deal with a blocked cell phone account. It seems that even when the payment finally makes it through, you have to wait 24 hours!


    There must be a better way... a backup credit card, a grace period, allowing pre-payment by maybe a week.... 


    Fizz, please work on this. I like your service so far, but this could be a deal breaker if I end up in such an unfortunate situation.


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