Temporary network error has occurred

Is Fizz having issues now?
For the past hour I am getting "A temporary network error has occurred. Try again later. 4g - voice only".
This happened last week too. But today it has been about an hour so far.


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 766 ✭✭
    It works for me, maybe it's a local issue in your area
  • Michael B. #2463
    Michael B. #2463 Posts: 72 ✭✭
    seems to be working now, but only 3G.
  • Michael B. #2463
    Michael B. #2463 Posts: 72 ✭✭
    why can't I mark my answer as the best answer?
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,838 ✭✭
    You cannot mark your own answer as the best one :(
    Only whizz they can do that
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,058 ✭✭

    If it happens again, you can try

    - enabling airplane for 15 seconds, then disable.

    - restarting your phone.

    - manually search for network. Try temporarily connecting to FIZZ EXT.


  • Michael B. #2463
    Michael B. #2463 Posts: 72 ✭✭
    No I already tried all those things and the network would not work.
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