How to activate Sundae (add-on) and Explorer (travel add-on) badges which I bought last May and Augu

Explorer: Travel add-on was purchased on August 26th 2019.
You should already have the badges.
If not, you can inquire with Fizz support.
The idea of this page is to explain how you can access the chat bubble. If you do a search in the Solution Hub related to your issue and access the help page the chat bubble will appear at the right corner.
- You're logged into your Fizz account.
- You're active on a help page such as
- Simply click on the chat bubble that appears at the bottom on the right.
- You're within the business hours: every day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (EST).
- You have disabled any ad blockers in your browser.
If the chat bubble does not appear, this means that the number of sessions waiting for our answers surpasses our processing capacity. If that happens, send us a private message via Facebook Messenger or Twitter.
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I had this same problem. Both the Sundae and Explorer badges did not apply to my profile. So I contacted Fizz support through the chat bubble ( and told them I never received the badges. They sent if off to their technical team and then it was added to my account with 48 hours I think.
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Thank you for your answers.
Bubble chat doesn't appear. When would be the best time to try contacting support?13 -
@Isabelle I can see the chat bubble now. Try again12
Or try through messenger, it’s more combinaient for some14
@Isabelle You can either chat with them online (from 8am - 9pm) or just send them a message (anytime) and they'll reply back to your email.
To chat: You'll need to make sure you're logged in then go to Solution Hub and click on any of the questions (e.g. After a little while you should be able to see a green chat bubble in the right-hand corner of the page.
To send them a message: Log in to your account, click on "My Profile" then "Contact Forms". Now "choose a subject" and "submit a complaint".
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I think Facebook messenger it’s easy to contact...8
Through Messenger, it's the easiest.4