Did not receive SIM card, what should I do now?

I ordered a new SIM card on 6 Oct, but did not received until now. I already payed it and used the same address as before, almost 2weeks passed, what can I do now?


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 784 ✭✭
    Contact Fizz.
    You can initiate a chat session with Fizz by opening a help page.
    Try this link to start a chat session with Fizz https://fizz.ca/en/faq/im-unable-log-my-fizz-account-what-do-i-do
    You'll see a bubble chat at the bottom right in a few seconds
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,161 ✭✭

    Yes contact Fizz support.


    Some people wrote in forums that they were having difficulty to receive the SIM card too.

    When they notified Fizz, they were offered the stabilization price (at least until early 2020).


    Since Fizz knows you ordered on Oct 6, you may be in luck too.

  • Alfio
    Alfio Posts: 398 ✭✭
    Yes, contact FIzz. I found that contacting through Facebook worked. I had an issue in that I had ordered two cards. When I came to open the 2nd package, on SIM card was enclosed.... missing. I contacted Fizz about it. They replied to re-order the SIM card, then would then they would re-imburse the $10. Also, they told me they would honor the stabilization price. Bottom line, contact them!
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