How to activate the 250mb giving in bonus

Today I receive a 250mb from fizz, but I already have this one. Is it a bug or something like that? And when I try to activate I can juste replace my old gift from fizz. What I’m suppose to do to have access to this 250mb?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,979 ✭✭
    You will receive more bonuses than slots where you can apply
    Level Mobile Home
    1 250 Mo $1 rebate 1 Slot
    2 500 Mo $2 rebate
    3 250 Mo $1 rebate 2 Slots
    4 200 Mo
    $1 rebate
    $1 rebate
    5 250 Mo $2 rebate 3 Slots
    6 500 Mo $2 rebate
    7 $1 rebate $2 rebate
    8 1 Go $1 rebate
    9 $1 rebate $3 rebate
    10 $1 rebate $2 rebate
  • Sabrina C. #5930
    Sabrina C. #5930 Posts: 12 ✭✭
    You need to unlock more slots to use them. At level s 1 and 2 you only have 1 slot that’s why when you try to use it, it only replaces the old one. At level 3 you get 2 slots!
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