What's the other voicemail number?

Wielder Posts: 7 ✭✭
What's the other voicemail number?


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,175 ✭✭
    Log into your voicemail

    To access your voicemail hold the ''1'' key on your phone for a few seconds, or manually dial the Fizz voicemail phone number.

    For many phones, holding the ''1'' key the speed dial option to reach voicemail. This may vary between different phone models.

    To manually access your mailbox, dial (1-514-647-0999). This number is valid from all locations and area codes in Quebec (514, 450, 418, 819).

    The speed dial setting "1" to access voicemail (1-514-647-0999) may vary from one phone to another since it depends on each model’s operating system. Additionally, this setting may not be editable in all phones.


    For more info, see Fizz FAQs on voicemail:


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