Northeast Wireless Networks does not work with Fizz

In the future, how do I get cell service if Northeast Wireless Networks is the primary provider?


  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    Use this tool to see if you can use Fizz service in your area
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,175 ✭✭

    Where are you exactly?

    You have to enable roaming on your phone.

    If needed, select one of the FIZZ EXT network operators.


    Fizz partners with ATT as primary carrier and T-Mobile as secondary carrier.

  • Code_KRUEW
    Code_KRUEW Posts: 400 ✭✭
    I was connected to them while I was driving through New Hampshire. I didn't have data coverage everywhere, but did is some parts of the drive.
  • TheDean
    TheDean Posts: 45 ✭✭

    When travelling I sometimes need to switch my preferred network type from LTE to 3G, depending on where I am.  Perhaps this partner network is one where 3G is more reliable for Fizz users.

  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Posts: 537 ✭✭
    You can try to change provider manually in your network setting
    if they are other dispo.
  • Gates
    Gates Posts: 835 ✭✭

    In order to help the Fizz community evolve with your question, do not forget to identify the best answer given to you by members of this discussion group using the Make Best Answer button under the answer you deem to be the best.

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