i cant hear my voicemail help?

How to log into your voicemail
To access your voicemail hold the ''1'' key on your phone for a few seconds, or manually dial the Fizz voicemail phone number.
For many phones, holding the ''1'' key the speed dial option to reach voicemail. This may vary between different phone models.
To manually access your mailbox, dial (1-514-647-0999). This number is valid from all locations and area codes in Quebec (514, 450, 418, 819).
The speed dial setting "1" to access voicemail (1-514-647-0999) may vary from one phone to another since it depends on each model’s operating system. Additionally, this setting may not be editable in all phones.
You may also consult these Fizz FAQs if you have further questions about your voicemail
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Logon to your Fizz account to check, do you have voicemail enabled on your mobile plan?
If someone has left a voicemail on your phone, you should be able to retrieve it.
If there is a problem, you should contact Fizz support.
You can send Fizz a message by facebook https://facebook.com/fizzca
Or you can use Fizz chat. Make sure that:
- You're logged into your Fizz account.
You're active on a help page such as https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us- Simply click on the chat bubble that appears at the bottom on the right.
You're within the business hours: every day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (EST).- You have disabled any ad blockers in your browser.
If the chat bubble does not appear, this means that the number of sessions waiting for our answers surpasses our processing capacity. If that happens, send us a private message via Facebook Messenger or Twitter.
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Yesterday I got some problems with my calls, reboot your phone and try again today1
I guess you have a Verizon phone (probably VN220) the only way I could reach voicemail is by using a long distance provider (like dialnow etc) so you dial your long distance access number and the 5146470999.
I then created a speed dial like this 5149078538,15146470999
let us know1 -
the long distence provider is free?1