Charge for usage if 0 data on plan ?

paramalingam Posts: 3 ✭✭
Hi I picked 0 gb of LTE on my plan would I be charged if I put my LTE on or is there a way to block the LTE cause my daughter is the one using the phone so I would like too known cause other whise I don’t want this plan


  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    No you will not be able to use LTE if it's not in your plan and therefore you won't be charged,
    as long as you don't put any money in "Wallet" feature.
  • Fuego
    Fuego Posts: 213 ✭✭
    Fizz is a prepaid service. You can't be charged.
    FYI you have probably received a 250 Mo bonus. You can apply it to your account, that would give you access to LTE 250 Mo/month for 2 years.
  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 542 ✭✭
    Do not worry about that, if your plan has no Data, you will not be able to use LTE unless you put some money in your Wallet (my plan--manage plan--Wallet).

    However, since you activate your plan, you have an upgrade of 250 Mb to add (free charge), enjoy that for two years!
  • peterpan
    peterpan Posts: 36 ✭✭
    No worry, her data is blocked if the free 250m run out . You can buy a 500m add on for her . Again , data stops after she used all. I like fizz very much because it is over usage worry free.
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