How do I cancel my internet subscription before it's installed?

Ashley S. #9028
Ashley S. #9028 Posts: 1 ✭✭
The website layout has changed so much, that the solution hub answers from Fizz do not work. They take me to a page that doesn't exist anymore. I don't have all day to read every question that might apply to see if the new set of instructions works out.
I paid $55 or whatever to subscribe and get an internet modem to install everything myself, but I changed my mind. The appointment is next week and I want to make sure I cancel it right so no one shows up! I went to 'manage subscriptions' or some version of that, and cancelled the subscription. Is that it? Do I get a confirmation email to confirm the money will be refunded and no one will come on the preselected date to do the installation?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,939 ✭✭

    I believe the only option is to contact the support


    Go to any help page, if you are not connected, login

    Wait 5 seconds for the bubble icon to appear at the bottom right of the browser and click on the icon to chat with support. Try a different browser if you have issues getting the bubble to appear.

    If the chat bubble does not appear, this means that the number of sessions waiting for our answers surpasses our processing capacity. If that happens, send us a private message via Facebook Messenger or Twitter.


    You can also send a message via facebook messenger and click send a message (this is a bit slower)


    You can also fill a contact form from your account Once logged in, from the account panel go to My Profile → Contact Form (the subject are limited) and fill out the form and someone will email you back.

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