Fizz plan price

I order a sim card and when i tried to activated it say that the activation code has alreeady been used but my plan was activated already and Fizz was charging me but my sim card WASNT working. Now i had no choice but to deactivate my subscription. I want to be refunded for the month fizz charged me for NOTHING! I WANT MY MONEY BACK PLEASE or free month.


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,826 ✭✭

    If you have unsubscribe in the first 15 days, you will get your refund


    Cancelling during the trial period

    Issuing you a refund is an essential component our trial period. The trial period is 15 days. (This excludes customers who have an approved Proof of disability form; the trial period is 30 days).

    Trial period refunds apply only to your monthly fees. Additional expenses such as Add-Ons, Travel Add-Ons and usage purchased with your Wallet will not be refunded.

    To receive this refund you must not have exceeded:

    • The trial period: 15 days for everyone, with the exception of customers living with a disability (who have completed the disability form)
    • 50% of the data included in your monthly plan (unless you have an approved Proof of disability form)

    To close your plan during the trial period, use the same process detailed above (with or without keeping your phone number). If you meet the above criteria, your cancellation request will be activated immediately — you won’t have to wait until the end of your payment cycle and your refund will occur automatically.

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