Add a Second line?

I would like to add a second line and a second plan for my kid " under the same login". there is no option anywhere where allows me to do that.
I don't care about the $25 dollars referral code. so don't propose that option
Any ideas. ?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,826 ✭✭
    Yes you can, you must have "Create your plan, your way"
  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    You need to order a new sim card and then create a new plan for that sim card for your kid.
  • Code_KRUEW
    Code_KRUEW Posts: 400 ✭✭
    There is no way to refer a second line on your account. You can create a new account and refer that one. It also has the advantage of having your own perks and upgrades. If both SIMs are on the same account, you will share the perks and upgrades.
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