Issues Sending SMS or receiving

Jordan B. #8340
Jordan B. #8340 Posts: 1 ✭✭
Anyone in Ottawa still unable to send SMS. Mine keep going through as Sent to
email and the receiver isn’t getting them
At all?


  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Posts: 537 ✭✭
    Have you reset your phone.
    Everything should be ok now.
    Just shut down and open your phone
  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 542 ✭✭
    Take easy, as we are Fizzers and we are in period...
  • Steph_PEMO1
    Steph_PEMO1 Posts: 873 ✭✭
    His problem started before the implementation period, I don't think that it's related to that. Something else most likely.
    It was always working fine until yesterday ? I just want to see if it could be APN related.
    Things might be improving over the implementation, hopefully.
  • Code_KRUEW
    Code_KRUEW Posts: 400 ✭✭
    You will need to contact support. It sounds like this is only affecting you.
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