Call drops and slow data speed?

GM27 Posts: 28 ✭✭
On Friday, I was in Laval near 15/440, and during many calls, at 1 min 40 seconds, the call ended automatically. This happened many times while talking to different people.
Furthermore, the data speeds Im receiving in some parts of Laval is only 6 mbps even though the coverage showed LTE. 6 mbps is less than 3G (10 Mbps). I contacted fizz and was told by their technical team that I have the standard speeds for download/upload via email. These low speeds were experienced this month, and last month. I couldn't even google search on chrome.
Its very. frustrating.
Has anyone else had this experience?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,726 ✭✭
    For the call drop, last week therewas a problem
    For internet I have around 30/40 MBps
  • Shilgi
    Shilgi Posts: 191 ✭✭
    many people have been having these issues..
  • Yelena
    Yelena Posts: 1,861 ✭✭
    If you obtain decent speed elsewhere than in Laval, then Fizz network there is weak.
    As for call cutting - there was a major issue last week. Maybe phone restart will help.
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