voicemail activation-?

Taoufik A.
Taoufik A. Posts: 3 ✭✭
Thanks Mike I had this from the start I have the voicemail option. It just doesnt recognise my number...


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,318 ✭✭

    If for a number you mean pin you can get a new one

    Under: My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail

    However, if for a number you mean the phone number, you need to contact the support, however today they will open at 10am


    Go to this page https://fizz.ca/en/faq/resolving-issues, if you are not connect login
    Wait 15 seconds for the bubble icon to appear at the bottom right of the browser and click on the icon to chat with support. Try a different browser if you have issues getting the bubble to appear.

    Your can also send a message via facebook messanger
    https://facebook.com/fizzca and click send a message (this is a bit slower)

    You can also fill a contact form from your account
    Once logged in, from the account panel go to My Profile -> Contact Form (the subject are limited) and fill out the form and someone will email you back.

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