missed to transfer my old number

hello . I missed to transfer my old number to fizz , and now I have a fizz number and an old phone number , that is not what I wanted , Do I have to close my fizz account and do it again ? if so , how can I close my account ,and If there is another way , that would be even Better, thank you


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,826 ✭✭

    You should close the account, in the first 15 days you can be refund.
    But I do not know if you can use the sim right away or you need to wait to reuse it, and if you do that if they will refund you but I think they will do since, they state that you can give away the SIM.


    An other option, is to buy a new SIM and sell the old way on kijiji or give it to some friends with your referral code :D

    If you need a referral code in order to have 25$ on your 3rd payment, this is mine K61CD




    Cancelling during the trial period

    Issuing you a refund is an essential component our trial period. The trial period is 15 days. (This excludes customers who have an approved Proof of disability form; the trial period is 30 days).

    Trial period refunds apply only to your monthly fees. Additional expenses such as Add-Ons, Travel Add-Ons and usage purchased with your Wallet will not be refunded.

    To receive this refund you must not have exceeded:

    • The trial period: 15 days for everyone, with the exception of customers living with a disability (who have completed the disability form)
    • 50% of the data included in your monthly plan (unless you have an approved Proof of disability form)

    To close your plan during the trial period, use the same process detailed above (with or without keeping your phone number). If you meet the above criteria, your cancellation request will be activated immediately — you won’t have to wait until the end of your payment cycle and your refund will occur automatically.





  • Yelena
    Yelena Posts: 1,861 ✭✭
    So now you have two numbers - new one with Fizz and old one with another provider? If you want to keep your old number, you have to transfer it to Fizz before you close your account with another provider, otherwise you will lose the number. When the transfer procedure to Fizz is complete, your account with the other provider will be closed automatically.
    I would order a new sim right away and activate it with the transferred old number. Then cancel the first sim and maybe even get reimbursed if it's been less than 15 days since it was activated. Actually both actions can be done at the same time.
    Follow the procedure for number transfer as described -
  • Steph_PEMO1
    Steph_PEMO1 Posts: 873 ✭✭
    If you close your account and open a new one, and if you do not currently have a referal code ($25 discount on your 3rd invoice), then here is one: PEMO1
    Good luck
  • Yelena
    Yelena Posts: 1,861 ✭✭
    @Haitao: Is your issue resolved? Can you close the discussion by choosing the best answer?
    My referral code is W6TSV :-)
This discussion has been closed.