Data consuption displayed is not real

Karina V.
Karina V. Posts: 1 ✭✭
Please help me out. The data consuptioned showed is not real. I keep buying add-onns and spent so much money and still it's not enough. My data just melting on my eyes.It says I use more that 2 gb per day!! when I'm barely using my phone! Could you please check that? I'm very close to change my provider.. i can't spend so much money on addons and can;t be without data at all when it cuts me off. pleae call me or write me back asap. It's been a while i have troubles like that... . Thank you


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,738 ✭✭

    This a public forum.
    Sometime the data is not display correctly, check the data consumption with your phone, and contact the support.

    Go to this page, if you are not connect login
    Wait 15 seconds for the bubble icon to appear at the bottom right of the browser and click on the icon to chat with support. Try a different browser if you have issues getting the bubble to appear.

    Your can also send a message via facebook messanger and click send a message (this is a bit slower)

    You can also fill a contact form from your account
    Once logged in, from the account panel go to My Profile -> Contact Form (the subject are limited) and fill out the form and someone will email you back.

  • Allison W.
    Allison W. Posts: 1,272 ✭✭
    What amount of data does your phone say it is using? I haven't had a major discrepancy between what Fizz says I used and what my phone says I used. Make sure you don't update apps over metered networks, and you can also stop most apps from sending notices or using data over metered networks.
  • Steph_PEMO1
    Steph_PEMO1 Posts: 873 ✭✭
    I had a problem once, I logged out and logged in again, and everything was fine. Is your problem recurrent ?
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