Can I get my plan coverage change to take effect right away?

Patrick D. 4509
Patrick D. 4509 Posts: 6 ✭✭



I just changed my plan coverage to include the USA. I only learned after the fact that the change should only take effect next month (July 7th). I'm traveling to the USA next week so... yeah... :|


Can we make this take effect now? Of course, I don't expect this to be free.
Otherwise, can we cancel the change? I wouldn't be using any USA coverage apart from next week.


Thank you


  • Michael Y. #4007
    Michael Y. #4007 Posts: 6 ✭✭
    I had no clue Usa had fizz ~
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,071 ✭✭

    Fizz says we cannot modify the renewal date of our mobile plan.

    For your trip next week, best bet is to go with Add-On or Pay-As-You-Go.


    @Michael, Fizz has Roaming partners like Rogers in Canada and T-Mobile / AT&T in USA.

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