Fizz outage in Montreal since this morning!

Carlos B. #5672
Carlos B. #5672 Posts: 6 ✭✭
Since this morning around 8am EST I dont have any connection with my SIM in Montreal, only emergency numbers. No data connection as well. Cant register in Fizz network.


  • Carlos B. #5672
    Carlos B. #5672 Posts: 6 ✭✭
    suddenly started to work again. registered to network again. Some hiccup in the network for sure.
  • redhead
    redhead Posts: 857 ✭✭

    I had no outages today (south shore of Montreal). Have had no issues since outage on April 8th if I recall.

  • Dominic L. #1933
    Dominic L. #1933 Posts: 727 ✭✭
    No outage for me (south shore/Longueuil)
  • Kenny L. #23
    Kenny L. #23 Posts: 794 ✭✭
    No issues noticed here either...
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,322 ✭✭
    I did notice anything
  • Dominic L. #1933
    Dominic L. #1933 Posts: 727 ✭✭
    Any updates? Is your service back up again?
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