i have a BlackBerry Bold 9900 and i can't set the apn settings for mms

elchonon Posts: 4 ✭✭
can any one help me with my blackberry bold 9900 how to set the apn settings


  • elchonon
    elchonon Posts: 4 ✭✭
    this is for bell not fizz
  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,360 ✭✭
    I know but the instruction how to navigate are that

    the APN setting for Fizz

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,071 ✭✭

    Did you already try to resend the notifications?

    Logon Fizz account. Go to Mobile Plan
    Advanced Parameters >> Fizz network parameters >> resend me the notifications


    Resending the network parameters

    You will receive two (2) notifications directly on your phone to configure the Fizz network parameters: one for mobile data, and the other for multimedia messages (MMS). Install these two (2) configurations. If a PIN is required, enter 1234. Wait three (3) minutes and restart your phone.

  • Andy P. #6701
    Andy P. #6701 Posts: 3 ✭✭
    > Resending the network parameters
    That would be nice, but it doesn't work. It gives an error when clicking the resend button.
    I have a Blackberry Priv with Android, and setting APN manually is blocked, which ironically seems to be a setting on the SIM card.
    That leaves me with no internet for the moment ):
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