If ever visual voicemail is available and we add it to our account would we loose the introductory p
Visual voicemail is not available at the moment. In theory you can make modification for all the stabilization period if you subscribe before the 12 april.4
If ever visual voicemail is available, and it's passed the stabilization period, then yes...2
Interesting question, I would also hope so but I have a feeling it will be added free for those already paying for voicemail, that being said, it's still possible that they may charge for it but I have high doubts.2
It depends on whether it would be a plan ADJUSTMENT OR plan ADD-ON.
With Add-ons, we would retain the Introductory pricing.
I suspect in this case, it would be a plan adjustment or voicemail upgrade which could be free.
We can always use a third party app like YouMail.
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Hi all, I have contacted support via messenger and got the reply :
"I am sorry but I don't have any information about that that I can give you at the present time.
When and if visual voicemail will be added to Fizz, I'm sure you will be notified on how it will impact the plan's prices and be given any information that you want to know about it.
Thank you very much for reaching out to us and for choosing Fizz."
So a vague answer for now. I hope we don't loose introductory pricing it would feel pretty scammy if would be considered a plan change.
thank you everyone for the replies.1
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