Remaining add-on travel mexico

I am using an add-on in Mexico right now. But the remaining does not move on fizz website. How can I know how many data I have left ?
Thanks in advance


  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,185 ✭✭
    From your phone if you reset the counter before
  • Sami Ailane
    Sami Ailane Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Okay... So I didn't do that so I won't be able to know. Is it going to block the data when it's finished ?
  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,185 ✭✭
    I do not know if they also have problems with the add-ons, however, starting from the 2nd of April we cannot see the normal data usage.
  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Posts: 535 ✭✭
    You won t be charged for extra because it is prepaid. It will just stop working at the end of your addon
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