Can anyone make sense of the confusing pricing mess just created in response to the past outages?

MARROY Posts: 52 ✭✭
Introductory price, current price, temporary price, new price, regular price.
I signed up on introductory prices with the mention that I would have those prices for as long as I keep the plan, if the plan is changed regular pricing will apply.
Now it’s all just a confusing mess of conflicting information.
***Fizz, you need to clarify the confusing mess that was communicated today in response to the latest outage and the new “stabilization” period.***


  • Kevin P. #2908
    Kevin P. #2908 Posts: 110 ✭✭
    Right now you've set your current plan price. If you modify your plan, you will fall on the regular price so you will lose your rebates.
  • Chris P. #37
    Chris P. #37 Posts: 141 ✭✭
    Francesco, I suppose that does make sense upon talking with the reps. I just hope Fizz doesn't decide to make the wrong move and not keep their word. it's understandable that the prices can change at any time. But usually to do so they would have to inform is ahead of time, it may be wise to prepare for a change unless Fizz can finally clarify what exactly the goal in their message is.
  • Kevin P. #2908
    Kevin P. #2908 Posts: 110 ✭✭
    I have to agree that the wording in the email about returning to "regular pricing" is very bad
  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 542 ✭✭
    No matter what name it is called, it's a definitely different price to what I have now!

    In Fizz website, they say current price (introductory price) for calls only plan (unlimited calls and txt) is 11$/m, how COULD this be possible!!!

    I check my plan that is 16$/m!!
  • redhead
    redhead Posts: 857 ✭✭
    Asked the question on Twitter:
    Can you confirm that current existing customers will get the 10% for 3 months (stabilisation period), then return to intro pricing in perpetuity (as long as we do not modify our plan) as promised?
    And they replied:
    The information that you asked for will be visible on the FAQ (link:… in the next few hours.
  • Francesco L.
    Francesco L. Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Chris Payne, according to the contract they must inform us at least 30 days before changing the agreement. I actually never read my contract with Koodo before. It maybe had something similar; who knows.  Regardless, Koodo never changed my price and when there was a better price I was always able to to get the newer better price. 


    The issue here is they promised us something, to hook us on, and now they re-negged on it. The intro prices are great, but thinking they will be great forever is not forward thinking. As every year goes by, the norm is to get more for the same price, so in a few years the great intro price you have today, won't be so great.


    However, I knew this and was hoping to at least have a good price for a couple years...


    redhead, hopefully they clarify as you mentioned, so far I didn't notice anything new..


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