Question about changing my plan and the introductory prices?

Keifer Posts: 7 ✭✭
I signed up March 26 with a 12GB at $49, however I may want to bump it down to 8GB or 10GB. My billing cycle end April 26. Can I still make this change and get the respective lifetime introductory prices for either option? Or do I have to keep my current plan forever to keep this price?
Thanks :)


  • Hao7
    Hao7 Posts: 23 ✭✭
    It would be nice if Fizz can give everyone a chance to modify the plan before April 12 (the intro price ending date, I think).
    You can not change your plan, otherwise, you will pay regular price.
  • Keifer
    Keifer Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Ok. Is that date listed officially somewhere on the site?
    I'm wondering if I can modify my plan before that date. Of course it would only take effect after the 26th.
  • Hao7
    Hao7 Posts: 23 ✭✭
    No, the date is not listed anywhere. Just my logic: they said the stabilization price will start on April 12, and then on July it will go to regular price. I think it is for new clients or someone changed plan after April 12. If you have intro plan, you will have stabilization price staring from April 12. After April 12, if you do not change plan, you will go back to intro price in July; however, if you changed your plan, you will get regular plan in July. So, I think the important date is April 12.
    You can not request to change plan now. Because your billing cycle is April 26, unless you do not mind to take regular price.
  • AlmightyPain
    AlmightyPain Posts: 117 ✭✭
    this is sad
  • FC
    FC Posts: 119 ✭✭
    I am at the same situation like you. I hope Fizz can extend the date to April 30. I just have plan with Fizz one month. After one month trial, I know how much data I need; but sadly, no chance to modify.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,893 ✭✭

    A clarification, please read it



    What will happen to my price after the stabilization period?


    For members who will have subscribed BEFORE April 12, 2019.

    Once the stabilization period is over, your plan will return to its launch (introductory) price. Please note, however, that if you change your plan after the stabilization period, regular prices will apply. You will be notified of the end of the stabilization period one month in advance.

    For members who subscribe ON, OR AFTER, April 12, 2019.

    Once the stabilization period is over, regular prices will come into effect and will therefore apply to your plan. You’ll be happily surprised by these once the stabilization period has come to an end. You will be notified of the end of the stabilization period one month in advance.

  • mhx
    mhx Posts: 4 ✭✭
    You should be able to change your plan fine right now and still keep the introductory prices.
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