Paper invoice

How can I get at least one invoice sent by mail ? (I need it as a proof of residence).


  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Posts: 537 ✭✭
    For a proof of residence i suggest you take another bill like hydro or license or anything else
  • Kovid
    Kovid Posts: 588 ✭✭
    There is no invoice with Fizz, it is all prepaid.
    Use another invoice from another service. I do not know if your bank reports would be acceptable..
  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    For proof of residence you should use Hydro Invoice
  • Marta P. #4340
    Marta P. #4340 Posts: 3 ✭✭
    I am in someone's else house so, no bills under my name. That is why they asked me a phone invoice. thank you guys anyway for trying to help me. Regards.
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