Credit Card Declined or Multiple Credit Cards

I recently moved from Ontario to Montreal and am trying to setup with My credit card got denied for whatever reason and I want to be able to sign up as soon as possible. What can I do? I want to order the SIM card and activate the plan as soon as possible


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,975 ✭✭
    They have some problem with the backend, probably is that the reason.
  • Yisroel G. #3951
    Yisroel G. #3951 Posts: 10 ✭✭
    MAke sure that billing address is the same as the credit card address
  • Normster
    Normster Posts: 70 ✭✭
    Make sure your home address that you signed up with is the same address as your credit card billing info.
    At first my address were different and it didn’t work for me. I then used another credit card which had the same address for both billing and home and it then worked for me !
    Good luck
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