Is the Fizz cell network is exactly the same as the Videotron one?

JoGF Posts: 46 ✭✭
I would like to know if Fizz network uses the exact same network service and tower as Videotron?
Or it's more like a subnetwork and restricted by the main network ?
If possible, have feedback from user that still use both services or have switched recently from Videotron.
If something doesn't work on Fizz, it means it will also not working on Videotron?


  • Sebastien
    Sebastien Posts: 2,127 ✭✭
    Same towers, but as others said, different Website and probably different servers too,
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,975 ✭✭
    They will paid for the tower, is a different company.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,975 ✭✭
    Sorry , probably is not a different company since also the certificate is bought under Vidéotron name.
  • Anne H. #1344
    Anne H. #1344 Posts: 648 ✭✭
    It's kind of like high way lanes. Videotron is on express lane and Fizz on regular lane. There is a chance fast lane runs fine while Fizz is crawling.
  • JoGF
    JoGF Posts: 46 ✭✭

    To clarify my question, I decide to rephrase it into 2 questions.


    Fizz was made by Videotron as an MVNO using Videtron Wireless and Cable network as well as other partner network. Now, if you read the Wikipedia page about MVNO, there are 4 types: Branded reseller, Service Provider, Enhanced Service Provider (also called Skinny, Light, Thick) and Full MVNO


    So I have 2 questions:

    1. What type of MVNO Fizz is? From my knowledge probably not Skinny or Light, but it could be Thick or Full?
    2. The next question is addressed only to recent Videotron and Fizz user. Do you notice any difference between Videotron and Fizz when you're using any of the wireless network services (GSM, HSPA, LTE, G4, SMS, MMS, etc.) ?
  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 542 ✭✭
    I feel that Fizz network does not have a signal as strong as Rogers network.

    I have only one or two signals inside our appartement, while with Rogers network I had full.
  • Myriam M. #3792
    Myriam M. #3792 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    It's a different company but owned by Québecor who is also the owner of Vidéotron.
  • Sebastien
    Sebastien Posts: 2,127 ✭✭
    I had Fido previously, whio's the low-cost vrand of Rogers. My signal is stronger with Fizz. I can use rhe phone on condo parking. Less call drops too. Faster Internet. But MMS bugs only with Rogers and huge billing issues. Not having datas I paid for. They are on my contact and last invoice. But missing on the account. Oh, and have free VM bonus, so get 2 VM charges (1$ each) with a 1$ credit. So free VM costs 1$.
  • JoGF
    JoGF Posts: 46 ✭✭
    From the current network outage, it seems that Fizz is a Full MVNO and independent of Videotron because I didn't see any evidence that Videotron currently suffer any problem.
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