Does calling my voicemail count as minutes?

Alex M. #2475
Posts: 122 ✭✭
in My Mobile
Everytime i call my Fizz voicemail to check my messages, does this use up my add on minutes? To me it only makes sense that calling Fizz voicemail does not use minutes.
Everytime i call my Fizz voicemail to check my messages, does this use up my add on minutes? To me it only makes sense that calling Fizz voicemail does not use minutes.
Yes it does even when you call your own voice mail.
You can access your voicemail by calling 1-514-647-0999 from your landline to void charges to your add on
Time that people take to leave you a message in your voicemail will also be counted as air time and you'll be charged if you don't have unlimited call in your plan.3 -
Yes, unless you have Unlimited Data1
Yes it does count as your minute.2
Unfortunately, yes it will.1
Yes, it does.3
I wish Fizz sent the voicemail as an email attachment.0
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