How to update voicemail pin?

ralph bolo
Posts: 1 ✭✭
in My Mobile
I need to change my voicemail pin
Call your voice mail and follow theire step. I think it's the option "3" but i'm not sure it's been a long time since I changed it.4
Like Marc-André said, call your voicemail, enter your PIN, than hit 4, than 2.6
Call your voicemail , check your setting2
Hit 1 on your phone to dial the voicemail and follow the prompts.1
Follow David's Advise!1
dial (1-514-647-0999)., and follow what David said.2
Have a look at My Plans in your account. Go to "Manage my plan" and click on "Avanced Parameters".
You'll find an option to change your PIN number easily as you can see on this image.
Have a good day and don't forget to close the thread by selecting the best answer.1