Do I need to cancel my subscription with Videotron before installing Fizz's modem?

I am using Videotron cable internet. Do I need to cancel my Videotron subscription before installing the modem since Fizz uses the same cable lines?


  • Oury
    Oury Posts: 243 ✭✭
    Ask fizz in the bubble chat in the solution hub.
  • TheMMc
    TheMMc Posts: 489 ✭✭
    It will use the same cable but you should cancel it because paid for 2 internet connection when you need just one is not the best.
  • ReneD
    ReneD Posts: 1,810 ✭✭
    This is your choice to make, but it is possible to have both at the same time.
    I personally chose to keep both until Fizz home internet beta test are done.
    Chizz :))
  • GyslainH
    GyslainH Posts: 319 ✭✭
    You can keep both but if you dont wanna pay for both, then call Videotron to cancel their internet
  • jean-maxime N.
    jean-maxime N. Posts: 504 ✭✭
    Install your routeur , test the connection , then call Vidéotron and tell them to cut the service immediately. I
  • Tommy T. #1796
    Tommy T. #1796 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Thanks for the answers :). Exactly what I wanted to know. I have about a 2 week buffer between installing Fizz's internet and my next billing cycle so I will able test the service.
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