Is the voicemail option an upgrade over a free voicemail ? or is it mandatory for callers to leave a

nathanael B. #1407
Posts: 3 ✭✭
in My Mobile
I just want to know if we really need the voicemail option or do we have one free by default ?
No free voicemail, you have to take the option if you want one.9
If you do not take the voicemail option, your phone will continue to ring and will not give your caller any option to leave you a message.7
Honest to you, voicemail is not necessary. If you have unlimited call included, search her and there is a post about how to use F-o-n-g-o as free voice mail . It's FREE and voice mail sent to your e-mail by default.4
No voicemail is included in a plan by default. You need to choose that option if you wish to have voicemail in your plan. Since this is prepaid, you can try without it and add it later if you feel you really need it.5
If you have VM already, it’s $1 less on your bill.1
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