Any 2FA SMS work now?

Francois G. 1031
Posts: 23 ✭✭
in My Mobile
It seems some people have 2FA working.
I just tried google, twitter and amazon. None work on my side.
Amazon kinda works but it takes forever because the server waits a while before retrying with a long source number.
I wouldn't say this is working.
amazon does not use short code sms so it doesn't count.7
I assume we would get an official announcement if/when this is finally resolved fully.6
Uber does I heard..6
Banks all work5
It does not work for Capital One6
I still have not received any message from any short code, that includes the banks. I have seen people say that they had some success with TD, but I haven't.4
2FA that work for me: Google and Uber 100%2
Scotiabank alerts are still NOT working.2
TD and Scotiabank does NOT work... so no, not all banks work.3
Not for me from steam1
It’s hit and miss. Uber works0
Not working for ebay, microsoft.0
For TD bank it doesn't work. I don't receive any text message even after multiple tries0
just had eBay send me at 2fa this morning. it worked for me but took a few minutes for it to arrive.0
Does not work for me for TD Bank0
TD bank has been working fine for a month or so now.0
I received SMS from hotmail3
I've used 2FA with few companies lately (eg. GoDaddy, Hotmail, Ebay, gmail) they all worked fine, however text message with code was sent from a regular (long form) number. At the same time, I have alerts setup with my bank, which usually come from short numbers and they still don't work. I guess if 2FA uses long numbers they should work, but if short numbers then you run into a problem.0