Voicemail Are Being Cut Off After 1 Sec

S S. #1109
Posts: 46 ✭✭
in My Mobile
My Voicemail is being cut off after 1 sec, so I can't listen to my Voicemails, I can do reg calls, but for whatever reason when I call the voicemail # after 1 sec the call will end, Does someone have a solution for this?
There is a voice number start with 514 area code. 514-647-0999 You can call that number to access.13
How are you accessing your voicemail?11
Link: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-set-up-my-voice-mail
You can determine how long before callers are transferred to your voicemail.
By default, incoming calls will be redirected to your mailbox after 20 seconds without a response.
However, you can adjust this timeframe by dialing the following combination in your phone:
**61*+NUMBER-DE-MESSAGING-BKM*11*# number_of_seconds#9 -
Does it work now?7
Very weird - let people know what phone you're using? Try restarting it? I can access VM fine from an iPhone with no dropped call.6
Thanks, everyone for their answer. it still doesn't work with my phone, however, it is working with another phone i tried (i have an LG - Exalt 4G LTE VN220.) ModemOutlet when I call the 514 # it also doesn't work5
What should be the value of this placeholder: NUMBER-DE-MESSAGING-BKM ?0
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