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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Does any one have any extra dataHi, I have unfortunately run out of data for the current billing phase and still have 5 days to go …
Moved: Bonjour! Je suis à court de données pour les jours restants de mon forfait...This discussion has been moved.
Leaving Fizz, giving away 5GbAs the title says I am leaving Fizz, it was nice was it lasted but the fact that my phone has had &…
Running thin, could use some data :DIf anyone got some data going to waste, I'd be gratefull to get it, much appreciated and have a won…
Data to gift? 🙏🏼Does anyone have any data to gift please? There is a medical situation and I am very much over data…
Referral code ProblemI have two questions. 1- I sent my referral code in the data gifting category to send me some data(…
Can someone spare some data please?Hello, does anyone have some extra data to share :-) my code is AFD5H Thank you very much in advanc…
out of dataHi all, I'm almost out of data and If anyone can gift me any data, I'd be very grateful. My code is…
1Go à donner / 1GB up for grabsI've got an extra 1GB perk if anyone needs it (good for 30 days)! First code in the comments gets i…
DATA PERK TO GIVECan you give your data perks to someone you don't know using a referral code? I have 3 G to give bu…
Some MB to giveIf you need more data i will try to do my best to help you .
Burnt out all my 3GB data in half month. Need help please.Had a trip during the weekend and burnt out all my remaining data for this billing cycle which has …
Need data please!Hi, I’m in vacation on the road and I really need a data boost. Any data will help! Thanks here’s m…
Data beggarHey there friends! So I got myself a new phone and a new provider, onward to a life of no fixed int…
Prime de référence / referral bonus : X1EKUAvec Fizz, tout le monde y gagne ! Voici mon code de référence, nous permettant à tous les deux d'é…
Need data pleaseHello, Living in Ottawa and lost power after the big storm on Saturday. If anybody has extra data …
Two days Left and I’m out of Data / Il me reste deux jours et zero data 🙏Would be appreciated! Ça sera apprécié! QSKU9
Need Data please!Me and my partner need data for the remaining days of the month. Thank you ! BBABS
Issue with data gifting and speedHello I've noticed that when my data goes below 500mb, it is very slow. So I asked someone to gift…
Good day!I have been without any data for 3 weeks because my cycle didn't reset and I've been waiting for te…
I need data please!I was out of town and didn’t have wifi, so I was using my data and now I ran out and my next cycle …
Data giftingHey everyone! I'm probably not the only one but this whole storm has left me without power and it w…
I need data please to go school because i use bixi !here is my reference code: G8PYI Thanks in advance!
Hello! Anyone have any data to spare?My wifi at home has been spotty for the past few days and I blasted through all of my data. Does an…
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