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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Help with Data pleaseIf anyone has extra data please send my way 🙏🙏🙏Greatly appreciated. Roaming out of town at all my …
Plz, help. Running out of data... :(Hello, guys Could you send me some data at my number ----? It'd be greatly appreciated. Have a gre…
Need some DataDear friends, I have run out of data and I still need a few days to update my cycle. It would mean …
In need of data because of router malfunctionHi kind people of this forum, my Fizz router is having issues and I am burning my data really fast.…
Need some data to receive some important emails, any small amount of data helps, thank you!Hello fizzers, I'm running out of data, I really need some data to receive some emails, my referral…
Data gifting ? I'm out of data and need to use my phone as a GPSHello, If by chance someone have some left's my code: 8LXKG. I have no data and I need to go…
Besoin de données pour l'école svpBonjour! J'aurais besoin de quelques GB si c'est possible. Je suis étudiant et le wifi à l'école …
Kind data gift please? :(Hi! I'm coming off a little bit short on data for this month.. Can anyone help me?Thank you so much…
Got data to gift away ? I'd kindly receive someHi guys ! I'm coming off a little bit short on data for this month. I will have to go outside of t…
Data problemWell, I don't exactly know how but something used all my data yesterday. If someone is feeling gene…
In an urgent need for dataHello, I ran out of data unexpectedly. Could anyone gift me some? my referral is :1PVRJ Thank you i…
My son accidentally used all my data :-(My son accidentally used all my data, please give me some for the next days. Referral code: U8GKM
I am a full-time student who would really appreciate some dataPlease help me if you can! Any data given to me would help me load my course materials, communicate…
I would really appreciate some data from whomever would be kind enough to give me some.My number is (438) 505-2467 and my email is
I lost my home internet with FizzI lost my home internet with FIZZ and they will come next week to fix it, need some data to surviv…
data run out, need your helpHello Fizzers, my data run out, please little bit of data if you have extra, thank you so much, my …
I would be very grateful to get some data!Here is my referal code: QD5N9 I would love to have some extra data this month... 😅
Need data pleaseWould someone be willing to send me some data if you got extra to share please??? code: 9B3T1 Thank…
Hi Fizzers! Need some data pleaseWould someone be willing to send me some data if you got extra to share please??? 438 822-4646 than…
I need some data please! thank youGood morning !! I am running out of Data and my monthly renewal is on the 10th, so basically I need…
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