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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Need some data pleaseHi, my referal code is WSZ1M. I am running out of data this month. Could someone help me and give m…
NNBAP If anyone can give me some data?Could anyone give me some data?
Does anyone has extra data to give please? 🙏🏽First time I use fizz and I ran out of data and will be recharge in only 12 days. I saw we could as…
Anybody have some extra data to give me?Here’s is my referal code 3VN2R
Need some data : ) thanksHi, I need some data to survive for 6 days. If any of you have any extra data to share, would love …
Too many hours in urgent care...Ate up nearly all my data allowance for the first time in years... If any of you have any extra da…
I ran out of data...Would anybody have so data to give me?I just ran out of data, would anybody have some data to give me to get me through the end of the mo…
Need some dataPlease please give some data if you can, need for the next 9 days. Referral code: U8GKM
I Have Some Data to GiveI have some data that I don't need! Let me know if you need some!
Ran out of DataI ran out of data could I please receive some from someone ? My referral code is 5PF44
some data to givePlease let me know if you need 500 MB of data. Thanks!
Neeed some dataaa (゚ペ)Hi, could anyone gift me some data, lack of data recently... my referral code is 45XI3 Thank you!
seek for dataHello folks, if you have useless data, I wish you could gift to me please. My referral code is OO8H…
Data gift requestHello fizz community! I find myself in need of some extra data this month as the Wi-Fi at work has …
Data gifting - pleaseHi dear community, SOS! If you have some spare data, they would be so much appreciated! My referral…
Besoin de données SVPEtudiante et mon forfait est épuisée, si jamais vous avez des données en surplus merci de penser à …
NEED FOR DATA PLEAAAASE !Hi good people, Please I start to do some Uber Eats to pay my rent and runing out of Data, my plan …
NEED DATA PLEAAAASEHi good people, Please I start to do some Uber Eats to pay my rent and runing out of Data, my plan …
Need data..Hi everyone, need some data gifting..thanks
Need some data for driving on the wayif anyone still has extra data, I would like to have some to help me work through this month. I ha…
Data please? :(Hi! I ran off data for this month.. Can anyone help me?Thank you so much for your generosity!! Refe…
Need some data pleaseI ran out of data on my last week. I have to do some works and I need internet to do it. Does anyon…
Help with data. Wifi out again!Morning, if anyone has extra data to spare. Please send my way thanks. My wifi is out again!. I ap…
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