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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Help me gifting data to 2MRVSPls, I need help, I accept giving me data to 2MRVS, I need to complete every month. Too, You can a…
Need 1-2 GB if possible (modem out)My modem crapped out after the storm and power outage overnight on Thursday, and now I have to wait…
Need data thank you a lot allHello, I have lots of problems with my Internet router. The support told me that they will send som…
Lost in the city without data - please help!Hi friends! I am brand new to Montreal/Canada and something is going wrong with my data usage. I a…
Need dataHello ! I got some problem with wifi at home and i used all my data. Please help me ! I need more d…
Need Data, we're in remote locationI need data because the 24h perk used most of my data (over 3.7gb of it) and it gave me errors at f…
Need extra data :)I have to meet someone for a facebook market but I don`t have any data left to contact the person o…
Need Data plzHi, I'm a new fizz member. I have upgraded my current plan to increase the data, but apparently I h…
My modem speed is unstableMy modem speed is unstable. I'm supposed to have a semblance of 400mbit/s but in fact it plays b…
Need Some Data - Trying out my new Plan!Hello Fizz family, Little backstory on myself: I got rid of Rogers after 7 months of pain and suffe…
IN NEED OF SOME DATA PLS6 days to go and have no data left. Wifi was out from the thunderstorms so my data got burnt. Any h…
Hi gang :)If any generous souls can donate a little data. I rely on it for work, and I'm out of internet for …
Need data pleaseeeHello everyone I was wondering if anyone had data they could share with me ? There was a big storm …
Need some data 6 days before renewal thanksHi, I'm 6 days short on data. Can someone kind enough to share some please referral code XEAA…
AE29B, Urgently need a little bit data for GPSHello Fizz folks, I need a little bit of data for GPS use. Your generosity is well appreciated, tha…
Very need some data pleaseHi, my referal code is 27DGJ. I still have a 9 days on my plan but im running out of data. :( Coul…
need dataHi, I am currently on a road trip and I completely finished all my data, any data would be very app…
Data neededNeed some data for consumption if ye can spare any for an old buccaneer 9A2SC
Need an extra 0.5gb to finish off the monthHi all, I'm missing a bit of data to finish off the month, if anyone has some to share it would be …
Help , back to the office and no data!Hello all!:) i m sadly back to the office the last 2 weeks and my data is gone( they don t give wif…
Extra data needed please, merci 🙏🏼Hello Fizz community, I just moved and Internet plan didn’t follow on time, any extra data would be…
Need Data - 6UTLCHello, I need some few more data if somebody got a little extra. My account code is 6UTLC. Thank yo…
I have data to gift!I've been saving a lot of data lately because I picked up a much higher data plan. If anyone is int…
can someone pleased me and give some data to survive until end of monthHi, I urgently need some data. can someone help me ?
Anyone have a little data to spare?Hi all, As the title states, I'm in need of a little bit of data, as I ran out before my plan renew…
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