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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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i need some data please gift me some thank you. HL5XZi need some data please gift me some thank you. HL5XZ
DATA REQUESTHey Folks, I ran out of data this month and I am 6 days away from my next cycle. May I get any hel…
Anybody need data?I’ve got too much and I’m using this to boost my perks
Gifting bugGoing back in the browser to the previous page during the gifting process flow can confuse the gift…
Need DataCode: MXKDD Thanks!
Can't seem to gift dataWhen I try to enter a referral code, it says SOURCE PRODUCT NOT FOUND
Hey friendI hace data to give 😊
Data To GiveHi! I have some data to give, share your codes if you wish :)
Request DATAHey Folks, I am 6 days short of my plane and I have no data left. Any help here. I would return ba…
Just got my 5 perks, would like to share someJust got the 5 perks, I would like to share some my spare data, please leave your referral code here
500 MB to give away, just need a friend!Whos interested? Its a perk I got. Thanks
Thanks for helping out I'm couple day's short on data thanksHi, ☺️I'm 2 days short on data. Can someone kind enough to share some please referral code XEAAS …
500 MB to give away to a new friend!Thank you, first to ask gets it New member here
Data Give AwayHello! I have about 15GB to give away to anyone who needs some extra, please let me know (first com…
Miscalculated! XGA5VAnyone have a little to spare, I kind of miscalculated this month...
I ran out of data! Would anybody have any data to give me?My code is UFDOR Thanks in advance!
does anyone have data to spare? - R8Q6AHi there! my code is this one if somebody ever has data to give :) R8Q6A Thanks!!
Any data to spare? Code: PRL88Hello Fizzers, My workplace changed the wifi password, I didnt notice and I blew threw my plan 😅😥 …
I messed up, I need some dataI need some data to finish my cycle. Code : J9RKI Thanks a lot in advance S.
Data giftingI have 12 GB of data to gift. Write your referral codes here.
MUEP2 ran out of dateHi all should you have spare data any amount will do at this point thanks all I gave a few Gb away …
Anyone has data to gift?I ran out of data. If someone has extra data, here my referral code 3Y1LS. much appreciated.
Need data - 9A2SQDoes anyone have some extra data? Looks like one of my apps is draining all my data. I probably ne…
4 * 500mb to first 4 commentersAs the title mentions, I have 4 * 500MB to share with the first 4 people who comment. Don't forge…
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