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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Need DataHii everyone! I ran out of data. Can you please send me some data? 😍Thank you 3OCCR
I NEED DATA PLEASE :)!!! Code: ABRBFHi!!! I just moved to the states to play in the Professional Women's hockey league with the New Yor…
Need dataHi everyone, I am running out of data and wonder if anyone can gift some? Refer code is LPUPW. …
Anyone can gift me some data? AEHJ7this is my third post.. as my account got some technical issues before, CS said it's fully resolved…
Need some data please 🙏Z5DA3 Just very new in Canada. Really need some data this month. If anyone still have extra dat…
Need Data DonationHi everyone! I'm running out of data this month because of my home internet is currently down. I wa…
Run out of dataAppreciate anyone can gift some data! BXDVE, thanks!
Which one of you nit wits needs a few gigsAnd how do i give it to the one in need?
Extra DataI stayed at home all day long, so I didn't use any of my data, I don't wanna waste them so give me …
Hi! I am in need of Data if someone could. BL5M5Home Internet has been down the past week and our mobile data use is unfortunately pretty high and …
hi there can I have some data?AIFHP Hi guys here’s my code Can I have some data Very thanks
anyone can gift me some data? 🥲AEHJ7i registered my plan with 1gb incorrectly and my data runs out now (just used 4 days for some googl…
GDSHE - Need some data, please and thank you! Happy holidays!Happy holidays to my Fizz family!
anyone can gift me some data ? 🥲i registered my plan with 1gb incorrectly and my data is running out soon (just used three days for…
I could use alittle more data my code is TV3ZEI would appreciate any amount of data it's been a rough time with no internet
Run out of dataCan someone gift me some data, please? My code is W4T3M, thanks
Thanks, I need some dataHere is my code:G1JM5 Thanks.😀
need some datahi everyone, may i hv some data? BXDVE thank you!
May I have some data plz? thank you so much everyone!hi everyone, can you plz support me for some data? my code is BXDVE, thank you!!!!
Dear Santa of Data, please help!Dear Santa of Data, I've been uploading good vibes all year—can I please download some extra data a…
Anyone with extra dataAny data to give please?
Please give me some data, my data's not enough. Thank u so so so much !!!Here's my code 21AAF Thanks a lot❤️
Gifting 5.5GB dataGreetings fellow fizzers! Please let me know if you need data, have a great day!
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