As indicated above, all phone in Canada must be sold unlocked.
We are having 60 mbps. I am working from home using video extensively, uploads, downloads, etc. We are also streaming movies. Typically, 60 mbps would be good for a family of 4-5 but it really depends on the use of everyone. Before, I had 30 mbps and it was also good but at that time I was not using video so extensively…
I always had intermittent loss of internet until I decided to buy a new router. I am now using this router instead of the modem/router from Fizz. It is worth the investment since I no longer have issue with my connection. I bought a Netgear R6350.
I had a similar issue a year ago and I decided to invest in a new router. Since the new router is installed, I don't have issue and wifi is even better than before. Just an idea like this...
Bonjour, tu n’as pas le choix d’utiliser le modem de Fizz. Toutefois tu peux utiliser un autre router. J’ai utilisé le router que j’avais acheté de Vidéotron mais j’ai du le réinitialiser à un autre firmware ( pas pour tous les utilisateurs)... comme c’était un vieux router, j’ai finalement acheté un nouveau router et j’ai…
Never happen to me over my first month...
I had the same issue and same type of message. This morning, I validated and the payment was processed yesterday night. I suggest to look at your payment history in your account. For me, it is now resolved without any intervention from my side. It should be the same for everyone impacted by this issue.
I am paying for 60/10 and everytime that I tested over wifi, I was in a range of 58-63/9-11
I would think that it will work but I am not an expert in this domain.
I also have issue ti stream to my chrome cast using my iPhone
I agree with John’s answer. You cannot get two referral for the same account
I also picked my date. In my case, it was 3 days. Faster is better to get rid of my previous ISP
I did not see the option neither... it is probably not possible.
Excusez-moi, je viens de me relire et je ne suis pas clair. Je suis très heureux avec Fizz et je changerais de nouveau de Vidéotron à Fizz. Je planifie rester avec Fizz longtemps.
Oui, j’ai changé de Vidéotron pour Fizz. J’ai augmenté la vitesse même si j’en ai pas besoin en pensant au futur car mon idée est de ne pas changer de fournisseur/ forfait afin de garder mon prix bêta
Voici quelques choix qui s’offrent à toi: 1- tu essaies de clavarder avec le service à la clientèle et poses ta question 2- tu t’abonnes et tu tentes d’avoir l’internet installer à la date demandée 3- tu attends plus tard et tu prends le forfait disponible avant ton emménagement ( inconnu sur les prix) 4-tu parles au…dans Comment bénéficier du tarif béta Fizz malgré que j'emménage le 1 juillet? Commentaire de MartyG mars 2019
Bonjour, je travaille souvent de la maison et j’avais un forfait 30/10 Mbit/s avec Vidéotron. J’ai Fizz avec 60/10 Mbit/s. Je n’ai eu qu’une fois où j’ai eu des interruptions lors de appels. Cela dépend vraisemblablement du fait que mon bureau est loin du router. Je planifie acheter un Wi-Fi extender ce qui règlera la…
Hi Alex, It is on invitation only. If you have a cell with Fizz, you may have a chance to be selected. I read that it depends on your location. You can only wait and wish to be invited.
I forgot to mention: I have 60/10 Mbit/s, unlimited and I am paying 35$. No additional fee for router/modem. You can either install it yourself or pay 30$ for professional installation.
I cannot compare to Bell since I was with Videotron. So far, I am very happy
Home internet is available but by invitation only. To have a chance to have the invitation, you need to have the cell phone with Fizz. Then it is a question of requirements from Fizz. I read that it may depends from where you are located. I received the invitation and registered. 35$ for 60Mbits download 10Mbits upload,…
I had my internet installed and since I had a splitter, both connections were working. I cancelled on same day Videotron and I am looking forward for Fizz IPtv to leave them for good. You can't imagine how unprofesionnal is the agent at the disconnecting department...
I had issue with connection of devices using the App for iPhone. With Android, it goes easilly. For streaming, it is constantly losing connection. I just tried to turn off ATF and Band Steering. I will test and see if it improves the situation. I am streaming from a wifi laptop to a chromecast.
IPTV serait intéressant et permettrait dans mon cas de tester et possiblement éliminer le service de télé additionnel par un autre fournisseur...dans Quels récompenses aimeriez-vous avoir pour Internet avec Fizz? Commentaire de MartyG février 2019
Dans les choix, tu as Instalaltion VIP (30$) ou self-instalaltion (0-$). Il est également indiqué que si tu changes d'Avis et que tu acceptes l'installation VIP, les frais de 30$ seront chargés sur ta prochaine facture. Je ne pense pas que tu pourras négocier de ne pas payer ce frais mais bonne chance...