good suggestion for having an alternative number to be reached at, only issue as you mentioned is if the Fizz network is down and data's not working you'll still have to find a wifi connection.dans Need a solution to be reachable during the stabilization period? Commentaire de Jeremiah H. avril 2019
thank you for the clarification!
thanks for the heads up, good to know that we can't make referrals for now
everything's been back to normal for me for about an hour, SMS and data both working
Haven't seen any update other than the email about the data gift.
nice one, good prank!
Better than getting nothing, I'm good with it.
This thread has a good list of the ways to earn badges, points, upgrades and levels: https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1826956-rewards-rewards
You can gift data even if they're not your contact, you just need the email or phone number
Only available in Quebec and Ottawa region for now.
Fizz hasn't posted anything about corporate discounts yet.
Had an issue a couple of weeks ago where I didn't receive SMS or they arrived out of order and sometimes hours later. But since then I haven't had a problem.
This has been an ongoing issue with 2FA https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1808946-sms-2-factor-authentication-issues
It's frustrating but there's no way to retroactively apply the referral bonus of it's not entered at activation.
it's always nice to have some extra data, especially with only the $2 difference. And with roll-over, if you're not using all your 2gb when it accumulates it makes it even more worth it.
Hopefully they will!
To answer your second question, Fizz does not sell any mobile devices with plans.
I'm pretty sure that it still counts as data consumption, they have not white-listed their own domain
Only issue I have is occasionally not receiving SMS or receiving them out of order, but LTE has always worked perfectly
Unfortunately right now it's up to Fizz to invite you to try if you are already a mobile subscriber, there's no way to apply for an invitation.
je n'ai rien recu
@René D. Yeah I'm on Quebec coverage only, probably why I can see it. Agreed that the $2 extra is worth it if you go out of province more than once a year.
Travel add-on prices for Canada are: $4 - 60 minutes $4 - 200 texts $10 - 500 mb $20 - 1 gb $30 - 2 gb
For sure I would be interested!
Just tried and I get the same error 404 error on data, but on Wifi it works.