@ Martin , the problem , ive no one of my familly living with us , only me and my wife , so im worried if my wifi is hacked , and even the support cant do anything about it @ Martin2 , this is a quit bizzare cause i usualy not see or download movie , sometimes i stream on netflix , thats it , but i'll download vpn and…
It's quit bizzare like folkes said , i suggest to contact costumer service for better support
As folks said , better to use a local sim card if it's possible, otherwise you need to contact them
On a pas bien compris ta question si tu peux etre plus precis stp
Pour moi elle est normal
Like others said , they're on a testing mode , soon i'm sure they will change the strategy
contact the support because it's quiet strange
For me everytinbg is good , this is the right think you did , but try also to reconnect to the network
@Francois , no i didn't most of time it is good , till now
They are on Beta , so it's only with invitation
Thanks for your replies , so i'm not the only one , @Tom I did use only the 5g it didn't help , @MT How can i turn off ATF on fizz router , if you could just make a resume plz
@René D. : even if i'm with internet cable provider, mean it doesn't affect instalation , because i saw that the Fizz modem is a wifi cable modem ( hitron Coda 4680) , if i'm wrong let me know plz
Je pense que vous avez pris l'option avec l'installation du technicien , regardez votre prochaine facture sinon vous pouvez toujours demandé une explication
Oh yes sorry for my mistake , so it is a configuration problem then, cause I was in TO and everything worked like a sharm
Have you chosen a Canadian plan or province plan, check your plan may be the problem is there
Already done
Même chose pour moi toujours en 3G
Pour moi c<est instable ca part et ca vient ,
Pour moi ça vient d'être réglé vers 6h30
Here we go again, I can't send and receive texts from midnight anyone else?
Même chose pour moi ni envoi ni réception
Tout est correct pour moi
Si on est toujours en mode B comme tu dis , alors ils doivent en prendre considération, car ca devient une problématique
@ Marc dont switch anyone on it. Because still not stable yet. 8h with no SMS it's unseen
@Thomas , thanks body same situation of yours since 12pm, think gonna be like Friday