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My plan only has service in QC. If I buy a data-travel add-on for Canada, can I use it in ON?

Messages 9 ✭✭
October 2024 modifié dans Mobilité

I am travelling to ON for a weekend. My plan only has coverage in QC. A 500 MB Zone Canada travel add-on is $10. Wondering if this will work out, & if so, should I wait to buy the add-on until I travel? If I buy it now, will my data usage be deducted first from the data I already have on my plan, or the add-on data? Thanks in advance!


  • Messages 258 ✭✭

    Depending when you leave for ON, the Add-On is valid throughout your current payment cycle and the next one.

    Travel Add-On should only be taken when you are outside of your Quebec coverage.

  • Messages 9 ✭✭

    So I suppose I should then wait until I just before I leave for ON to purchase the add-on.

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