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Are there 3 rewards slots for every service?

George S. #20091
George S. #20091 Messages 639 ✭✭
I'm an internet user and I have 3 slots of rewards.
My question: if I subscribe in the mobile, will I get 3 additional slots?
If the answer is "no": is it possible to have 2 accounts, each account with 1 service?


  • Mike
    Mike Messages 21,794 ✭✭
    Ceci c’est la communauté en française

    Yes you will get the 3 slots, if you unlock them for the residential internet they will be unlocked for the mobile.

    You can also have 2 accounts, however, you need to have 2 emails, remember to use your referral code from the first account to activate the plan on your second one. In this way you will get 25$ for each
  • Pascal L. 40582
    Pascal L. 40582 Messages 649 ✭✭
    Il y a 3 slots disponible (à être débarré) pour ton service internet et un autre 3 soit pour ton service internet résidentiel.
  • Kurt V.
    Kurt V. Messages 353 ✭✭
    If you had mobile as well as internet, you get three slots for each. You need to unlock them first by getting enough points, but when you unlock a slot, it unlocks for both internet and mobile
  • MichelP
    MichelP Messages 8,731 ✭✭
    For each service, the mobile and the internet: 3 slots of rewards
  • George S. #20091
    George S. #20091 Messages 639 ✭✭
    Merci tour le monde. Excuser moi j'ai posé la question en anglais dans le forum français.
  • Lieux
    Lieux Messages 2,528 ✭✭
    C’est parfait ça Georges l’échange des langues:) And I am happy that you asked because I had the same question!
  • Olivier R. #3666
    Olivier R. #3666 Messages 1,714 ✭✭
    thank you my friend