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Should I be able to see some information about who used my referral link to Fizz?
Jonathan B. 1130
Messages 12 ✭✭
dans Mon compte Fizz
My friend signed up an hour ago to Fizz and ordered the SIM card. When will I be able to see him in my referred friends. I know the money will be sent after the 2nd month of membership but I expected to see something right after he signed up. Do I need to wait for him to activate a plan first? Or will I never know about who I referred until their 2nd monthly payment?
Meilleure réponse
You'll only get paid out on the 3rd month. I've got 25$ pending
You get an email with the name of the person not long after your referral code is used. Also, the phone number for the person you referred shows up in your Fizz account under My Profile > Referral Bonuses with a $25 pending grayed out,7
Same here. My partner used my referral code yesterday, the account is active but I still haven’t received any sign that my code had been used.7
That's unusual, but not unexpected. Given Fizz hasn't ironed out all the kinks, it's better you reach out to them to make sure the referral is applied to your account.
Also, check with your friend/partner to see if your referral shows up on their accounts.7
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