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Maintenance Home Internrt Pincourt area

sergiu B. #3629
sergiu B. #3629 Messages 6 ✭✭
octobre 2024 modifié dans Internet

Hi, anyone in Pincourt still experimenting home internet issues ?? My router keeps blinking green lights.



  • Philemon24
    Philemon24 Messages 1,340 ✭✭

    Hello @sergiu B. #3629

    yes one member mentioned an issue earlier this morning in your neighborhood, and another one got a response from a Whizz saying maintenance in their area (without mentionning the place tho).

    You can chat with Fizz to confirm.

  • Philemon24
    Philemon24 Messages 1,340 ✭✭

    Chat bubble is the best tool to reach Fizz. This forum is mostly for mutual help between customers.

    To chat:

    1. Go to a FAQ page e.g.
    2. Look bottom right for the big ❔ question mark in a green bubble.
    3. Click it, options will be displayed
    4. Choose "💬 Chat"
    5. Note: the bubble will only display the chat for a computer version. If you are on a cell phone, you must check "Desktop site" in your browser settings.
    6. Submit your question with possibly a relevant screenshot or modem photo
    7. After that will be displayed the number of customers preceding you, to manage your expectations. Updated real time.

    The advantages of Fizz bubble tool are that it is 24/7 real-time with waiting time management and the ability to print (e.g. PDF) a copy of the conversation for your records. Sometimes you can even leave a comment about your satisfaction with the conversation.


  • Whizz
    Whizz Messages 23,917 admin

    Hello sergiu B. #3629,

    I am sorry to hear about this situation.
    The issue appears to be fixed now.
    If you still experience any connection issues please contact our support team to investigate this further:

    Have a lovely day,

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