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Im leaving to travel

Mariemaximb Messages 2 ✭✭
October 2024 modifié dans Mobilité

Im leaving to travel and i want to stop paying for 1 month. What can i do?


  • Emporium
    Emporium Messages 2,305 ✭✭
    December 2021 modifié


    Only thing you can do, is change your plan to the lowest available plan (which I think it $12), which will be effective as of the next payment cycle. And then change it back when you get back, but it will change at the next payment cycle again. So the timing of your payment cycles is important (since changes only take effect at payment cycle dates).

    However keep in mind that when you change it back, you will be paying the "current" plan rates. So if you had any promotional priced plan, then you will lose any promo pricing and pay current plan rates.

  • Fling
    Fling Messages 9,238 ✭✭


    Fizz say something for you here about your question

    Can I keep my phone number if my mobile plan is cancelled due to a payment failure?

    When your mobile plan is cancelled due to a payment failure, you risk the lost of the associated phone number. It is therefore VERY important, if you want to keep your phone number, to pay your outstanding balance as soon as possible.

    We keep the phone number in our systems for a period of 60 days following the deactivation date. If you want to transfer your number to another provider, you’ll have to reactivate your plan because only active numbers can be transferred. 

    Good evening

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