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is there installation fees , Videotron going to to install the cables and the wires for free includi

Alexandre007 Messages 3 ✭✭
octobre 2024 modifié dans Internet

is there installation fees , Videotron going to to install the cables and the wires for free including material ?

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  • André L. #16536
    André L. #16536 Messages 647 ✭✭
    Réponse ✓

    Installation to the house is included. No fees to customers. Vidéotron technicians do that installation up to an entry point in your house or apartment. He also gives you the Fizz modem/router

    Once inside, it is up to you to decide if you want to install it yourself (basically plug the coax cable and plug the power cord, then configure the router) or pay the Fizz installation for him to do it for you.

    So if your house currently does not have any Vidéotron cable coming in, Vidéotron pays for it.

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